It's that time of year where everyone is making their Top 10 lists, so if you'll indulge me, I made one too...

Nobunny - First Blood, Goner
Tyvek - Nothing Fits, In The Red
Wounded Lion - S/T, In The Red
Dikes of Holland - S/T, Sundae Records
Black Mamba Beat - S/T, Jeet Kune
Cheap Time - Fantastic Explanations (and Similar Situations), In The Red
Ty Segal - Melted, Goner
Sun City Girls - Funeral Mariachi, Abduction
Ex Humans - Ex Humans, Rob's House
The Fall - Your Future Our Clutter, Domino
The Young, Voyagers of Legend, Mexican Summer

Ron House - Blind Boy in the Backseat, Columbus Discount
Sibylle Baier - Colour Green, Orange Twin
Witch - Lazy Bones!!, Shadocks Music
Blank Realm - Heartless Ark, Not Not Fun
Carl Simmons - Honeysuckle Tendrals, Sacred Bones
Flying Nun Reissues!
Fucking Flying Aheads - Swiss Cheese Back, De Stijl
Hasil Adkins - White Light/White Meat, Norton
Gibson Bros - Build a Raft, Columbus Discount
Abner Jay - Folk Song Stylist, Mississippi
Something Is Wrong - Vintage Recordings From East Africa, Honest Jons

Nerve City - Sleepwalker, Sleepwalker EP
Puppy Hearts - When Kingdom Come, Yeti 9 compilation
Teenage Panzerkorps - Turn Your Lights Out, Yeti 9 compilation
Mannequin Men - Hobby Girl, Hozac 7"
Grass Widows - 11 of Diamonds, Past Times
Sibylle Baier - Tonight, Colour Green
Carl Simmons - Scotty Guffy Sings, Honeysuckle Tendrals
Rayon Beach - Wave Pool Ether, Memory Teeth EP
Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Second Guessing, Rush to Relax
Flight - My Business, Flight 10"
Magik Markers - White Map Laid With White Inks On White Walls, Tour Split 12" w/Sic Alps

The Fall - Electric Ballroom
The Dead C - The Garage
Quintron & Miss Pussycat - The Dome
Magik Markers - Union Pool
The Ex - The Dome
Sic Alps - Bardens Boudouir
The Swans & James Blackshaw - Koko
Eat Skull - XOYO
Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Lowest Form of Music Festival
The Rita - The Grovsenor